Title: Eve
Rated: PG
Part One
E-mail address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com  

Hi everybody!! let me just say that I love how this story is coming so
far (I know I sound conceited saying that) but I think that you'll like
this... let me just say that the first couple chapters are a little
confusing, but don't give up on me cause you'll love thet ending!! (I
already have this all planned out it just that I need to put it into
words) oh yeah this is my second fic!! my first fic is called Tell Me
You Love Me

Disclaimers: I do not own any of the characters!! so please please
please don't sue me I'm poor : p

-Christmas Eve-1997
On top of a building (to be exact the Fuji tv station building in
Tokyo, Japan) there is a lady dressed in a black dress, dancing with a
wine bottler in her hand (I really didn't want to put her drinking
alcohol, but for this to work out, she has to) she stops and writes on
a little piece of paper she has, she turns around and there is a guy
dressed in a santa suit paining standing in one of those little lift
things that window cleaners use (I hope everybody knows what I'm
talking about) she says "What are you doing?" Santa replies " I'm
earning a little extra mone "  
"why in that stupid Santa outfit?"
Santa ignores her question and says "why are you here on Eve?" 
"I come her everytime I have to think, its a pretty site don't you
think?" she says looking over at Rainbow Bridge (thats the real big
bridge in Tokyo, I'm not makeing this up! the Fuji building and Rainbow
bridge are real in Tokyo) Santa replies, "yeah it is" 
"besides I hate Eve" she says
"why?" seeing that she won't answer Santa pulls out a little thing of
matches and says, "See these matches there are ten of them" he lights
one "these are the matches of love everytime you light one the person
you want to see the most will appear in front of you" throwing it down
to her he says "you can have them its a present from Santa" 
"I don't believe in Santa" she replies Santa looks at his watch and
says, "crap... I have to go!!"  hurrying down the lift.
After hes gone she says "I hate Eve... and Santa" and drinks the rest
of her wine letting go of the paper she was holding, Santa just got out
of the building (note: this Fuji building is tall about 10-15 floors)
the paper is falling down slowly like a feather and drops on Santa's
coat he picks it up and reads it "I hate the world!! I hate Eve, I
don't want to live..." he looks up and sees the girl he meet standing
on the edge of the building and runs back into it, when he gets there
she hadn't jumped, but it looked like she fell backwords instead cause
she was unconsciece.
*change of scene*
"I hate the world, I hate eve, I don't want to live, oh I'm hungry I
should go home" a doctor says reading the little paper "I only read the
first few words if I read more I wouldn't of freaked out" Santa said
"Well Mamoru at least she was drunk and kidding" the doctor says to
"Yeah Motoki, I guess your right.. well I have to go" Mamoru said
"what! you have to go!? I was getting ready to leaving before you came"
Motoki says
"let me guess, a date?"
"yeah well I can't go to it now" Motoki replies
walking away Mamory says "get in the Christmas mood"  and throws him
the santa hat
Motoki slips in the little paper (that says who the patient is and the
doctors name etc.) in the girls room when he turns around and is
leaving the she opens her eyes to see him wearing the Santa hat and
reads his name on the paper "Motoki Furuhata" she whispers to herself,
she goes to the window in time to see Motoki going into his car (which
is a grey porsche) 

*6 months later*
Mamoru is sitting on the grass with a boy about the age of 6, "So Akira
where would you like to go?" Mamoru asks, Akira puts his crayons down
and points to the sky "I hope you get to go there" Mamoru looks at the
drawing Akira is working on and says "Akira no sora wa kuroi noka?"
(translation: "your sky is black, Akira?" it just sounds better in
Japanese^_^)  Akira doesn't say anything, "Koizumi-sensei (means
dr.Koizumi) please wear your doctor coat" (Note: sorry don't know what
its called) Mamory just takes the coat from the nurse and throws it

*scene change*
Mamoru is at his house when an old man that 
Mamoru had met in the hospital earlier in the day, Mamoru letting him
in the man hands him a envelope 
he opens it and finds a ton of hundred dollar bills and says, "I am
Ikariya I am a butler at the Sakamoto house,  please help Mr.Sakamoto's
daughter she is is very depressed" Ikariya said Mamoru thought
'Sakamoto?? oh my gosh hes one of the richest men in Tokyo'  then he
said "No... this is too much money" and hands Ikariya his money back
"please Koizumi-sensei she is very depressed not having a mother
growing up and her and her father, Mr.Sakamoto do not talk anymore
bacause he is always at work.... please help her"
Mamoru agrees then Ikariya says, "One thing though, it has to be kept a
secret from Usagi, Mr.Sakamoto's daughter, and Mr.Sakamoto so you will
pretend that you are her new driver" 
*next day* 
In front of Tokyo Dai (aka Tokyo college) he is in his drivers clothing
(Note:its like a suit but without the necktie and including white
gloves) leaning on the car, "So are you the new driver" he hears from
behind him (Note: he was leaning in towards the car, I hope I'm not
confusing anybody!) Mamoru turns around and sees the girl from last Eve
he says "are you Usagi Sakamoto?"  "who else would I be" Usagi replies,
he gets in the car, after a minute she knocks on his window and says
"well aren't you going to open my door?" Mamoru gets out of the car
opens the back door for Usagi and after closing her door and getting in
the car he says "haven't we met before?" "No" Usagi says "But I
remember seeing your face.." "your my driver, quit talking to me!"
Usagi says" 
When they get to her house he just stays in the car and she says "open
my door!" so he gets out of the car and when he gets to her door he
just stands outside and says "even though your an ojou-san (ojou-san
means rich girl) doesn't mean you can't open your own door why don't
you give it a try" and seeing that he won't open the door she opens it
herself, after she is our of the car she says "whats your name?"  
"Mamoru Koizumi"
"well Mamoru Koizumi you are fired!!" she says and turns around to
leave, but Mamoru grabs her purse/bag and all the stuff in it comes
out, Usagi and Mamoru are picking everything up when Mamoru sees some
kind of sleeping tranqulizers (I don't know if they have these here in
the U.S. but they are really strong) seeing that Mamoru is spaced out
she grabs them from him and walks away saying "I was just kidding about
firing you... I thought of giving you another chance.... but now you
really are fired!!!!!!" she says and walks into her huge house.

finally finished with one chapter and thats just the beginning of
it.... well I'll probably make the other chapters shorter... so what
kind of doctor is Mamoru and why is Usagi so mean?? find out in the
chapters to come!! and please please e-mail me about this I love
feedback!!! the more e-mails I get the faster the next part will get