Title:Eve Rated:PG Part Two E-mail address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com or Nako@smapxsmap.net both are working fine :) This is still probably a little confusing but by the next chapter I guarentee that it'll make sense so bare with me here.... oh yeah this is my second fic!! my first fic is called Tell Me You Love Me. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! so please please please don't sue me I'm poor : p *next day* Usagi is outside (of Tokyo Dai) for her ride when her ex-boyfriend pulls up and tells her to get in, but since she won't he pulls her into his car, and right when she went into his car Mamoru saw, they are at a stop light when her ex-boyfriend, Kousuke says, "why don't you ever call?" "because I got sick of you?" Usagi replies, then continues, "I'm getting out" and opens the door to get out but he holds onto her sweater, then Mamoru shows up on a bike and says, "hurry get on!" so she get on, when they lose Kousuke their on Tokyo Bridge and she says, "aren't you tired of pedaling?' Mamoru replies, "yeah but once you go through the pain and hardwork you get rewarded" "I've been through a lot of pain and nothing good has happened to me" "trust me after the pain comes a reward" and right after he said that they go down the bridge (AN: what I'm trying to say here is after all the hard work which is pedaling for the both of them on a bike you get a reward and that is going down the bridge so you don't have to pedal and you can relax) They go to a park, Usagi says, "I thought I told you you're fired?" seeing that he won't answer her question she says, "Why did you help me today when I said you're fired?" "You looked like you needed help" "I can take care of myself..... well I better go home now" Usagi says and starts to walk away when Mamoru yells, "Remember what I told you about pain and hardwork" *1 week later* Usagi and Mamoru are in the car Usagi noticing that he didn't take the road to her house she says, "Where are you going? this isn't the way to my house!" "I want you to come with me somewhere, you seem like you don't have fun much" Mamoru replies -10 minutes later- Mamoru and Usagi are in a Pachinoko place and playing it (AN: I hope everybody knows what pachinko is, I'm not really good at explaining but I'll try, its like gambeling and you win or lose money well thats hard to understand so if you write Pachinko on your search engine it should show you of a pachinko machine) -4 hours later- Usagi and Mamoru who is carrying a big bag of stuff that Usagi had won from all the silver balls (which you can trade in for candy and toys) she got at Pachinko, Usagi is walking ahead of Mamoru so she turns around and says, "I had a lot of fun today" "Are you sure you don't pachinko much?" "Just because I won a lot of things doesn't mean I go much" she says then bumps into someone she turns around and sees a guy in black pants and white shirt (which made him look mysterious) picking up all the little cards he dropped so she helps him pick it up, when she hand them to him, he looks at her then turns around to talk to the girl that was with him (AN: this guy has a lot to do with my fic, but you won't find out yet) Mamoru is looking at Usagi staring at the guy then goes to him and says, "I'm sorry" (for Usagi bumping into him) the guy nods and starts walking off when to his van (where there is couple guys and ladies in the back) but he turns around, looks at Usagi, hands him a card and says, "Why don't you and your boyfriend come by sometime" and turns around when Mamoru says, "Can I have one of those" Usagi is reading the card (which is a business card) *flashback* Usagi and a guy (the guy is the one that she just bumoed into) are in bed when he get up, and says, "Why don't you leave" Usagi is speechless so he says, "I'm tired of you" and gets couple 10's out of his wallets crumbles them up and says, "heres your Taxi money" *flashback* Mamoru says, "Do you know him?" "I use to know him.... take me home" Their in the car when she says, "I want to walk home, stop the car" "No" "If you don't stop the car I'll gump out" "an ojou-san like you wouldn't: "yes I would" "when I see it I'll believe it" Mamoru says, then Usagi unlocks her door and jumps out rolling on the street (no other cards were around) Mamoru stops the car and runs to Usagi and tries to help her up, but she gets up herself and says, "You better believe what I say" then starts to walk off in the direction of her house After getting to her house Usagi is in her room, and takes out the card (the guy at the park gave her) and whispers "Takashi" getting the flashback again she rips it up frustrated and looks through her stack of business cards that were in a binder and each had a big x on them she calls the first one and no answer second answering machine.... she looks at the ripped up card and tapes it together, putting it in her wallet....... --------------- Mamoru noticing that Usagi had left her bag of candies in the car calls the Sakamoto residence ring ring ring... "hello" Ikariya answers "Is Usagi there?" "is this Koizumi-sensei?" "yes its me, is Usagi there?" "No she left half an hour ago and didn't tell me where she was going....." -15 minutes later later- ....Mamoru is running to the the building where he met Usagi on eve, hoping that what she said about going there everytime to think was true... Usagi is at the Fuji Tv building, drinking wine and having those flashbacks over and over, mad and frustrated she takes a stress tranquilizer out of her purse and drinks it with her wine and falls on the floor (AN: she is on the top floor so the floor is pavement) Mamoru gets to the building in time to see her fall, rushing to her side he sees the tranquilizer package and her wine by her, he start to shake her and says, "Did you take the tranquilizer with your wine?!?!!" "Why would you care?" Usagi asks then continues, "I wish I weren't alive............... I hate eve....... eve is my birthday..... the same day that my mother died..... giving birth to me...... when I was little I asked my dad if santa would come that year..... and you know what he said to me?!....... he said what would you like from santa.... and after I told him...... he told his butler, Ikariya to go and get those things.... in front of me.... can you believe him.... saying that infront of a 4 year old!!!!...... and the one guy I ever loved broke up with me on Eve saying he was tired of me" tears were rolling down her face and she is drowsing off agian. Usagi wakes up and thinks 'where am I? this isn't my bed' and she screams when she sees Mamoru why are you here?!" "I live here" "Why am I here?!" "because you went unconscience at the Fuji building" Mamoru states and brings her some hot cocoa "I didn't tell you anything did I" she asks him Mamoru is having a flashback of what she said and says, "No you didn't" seeing that she doesn't believe him he continues, "all you said was you hated Eve" "oh okay" Usagi says with a tint of gladness in her voice "so why do you hate eve?" Mamoru asks seeing if she will tell him "its none of your business" she says "so who is the guy you bumped into at the park" "Just one of my old boyfriends" "another boyfriend you dumped?" "yeah another one I dumped" she says knowing it wasn't true *during that time* Motoki is at Usagi's house talking to her dad Mr.Sakamoto... "so do you think that you can handle the project" Mr.Sakamoto says "yes sir I do" "....... what do you think about my daughter, Usagi?" "I haven't met her yet" Motoki replies -that night when Mamoru is taking her home- Usagi is getting out of the car, "Thanks for the ride" "I'm your driver aren't I?" "yeah well" "You know you don't need those tranquilizers don't you?" Mamoru asks "........." "throw them away you could of died tonight!! you know your not suppose to take them with alcohol!!" Usagi gets out of the car and seeing a guy bending to pick something up in front of a grey porsche in front of her porch she walks faster to see who it is. When she gets there Motoki says, "Do you have a match?" getting out the matches that he gave her on eve she hands them to him waiting for a reaction seeing none she thinks, 'probably forgot' "thanks.... are you Usagi? Mr. Sakamotos daughter?" Motoki asks handing her back the matches "Yes I am who are you?" "I'm Motoki Furuhata" "nice to meet you" Usagi says and turns around to go in to her house when Motoki says, "Do you want to go somewhere?" "sure" Usagi replies going into the passenger seat of his porsche "where do you want to go?" Motoki asks Usagi gets her wallet out and shows him the card -10 minutes later- "here we are" says Motoki Usagi is just sitting there staring at the club called Mi Club thinking 'so this is the place he owns eh..' "well lets go in" she says to Motoki walking into the club the guy Usagi bumped into comes up to them, "Hey, I'm Takashi, the owner of this club tell me if you need anything" and shows them their table and when Usagi walks past him, he whispers, "thats not the guy you were with last time is it" Once they were seated Takashi asks, "What do you two want to drink?" Motoki answers, "Martini" and looks at Usagi "Grimlin" Usagi answers "I'll be back" Takashi says (AN: remember that Takashi has this mysterious air around him) Takashi is at the bar, which is right infront of their table Usagi pulls out some cigarettes this is what one of my boyfriends use to smoke she says to Motoki loud enough so Takashi could heat her. After giving Usagi and Motoki their drinks Takashi goes to a table beside theirs and start to talk to them, Motoki's pager rings he turns around to Takashi and says, "do you have a phone I can use?" "theres one in the back" takashi says not really caring Once Motoki left Takashi come up to Usagi and says, "I remember you Usagi Sakamoto.... you came here to see me didn't you?" Usagi just stares at him "does he know about your other boyfriend?" "he isn't my boyfriend" "let me guess this one ins't your boyfriend either?" Takashi says with a smirk seeing Motoki come back he says, "well here he comes" and leaves Usagi... So who is Takashi?? who does Usagi like?? find out in the next chapter and like I said the more feedback the faster the chapters come and to all those who e-mailed me about this fic, this is for you!! my addy is Nako@smapxsmap.net or Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com both do work!!