Title:Eve Rated:PG Part Three E-mail address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com or Nako@smapxsmap.net both are working fine :) Okay this should clear up *almost* all the confusingness!! but I hope you all like this cause I love how this is going!! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! so please please please don't sue me I'm poor : p "let me guess this one isn't your boyfriend either?" Takashi says with a smirk seeing Motoki come back he says, "well here he comes" and leaves Usagi... ---------------- Usagi stares at Takashi's retreating form *meanwhile* (Ikariya and Mamoru are at Mamoru's) "Did you know about Usagi's relationships with guys?" Mamoru asks "Yes I did" Ikariya replies "why didn't you tell me at the beginning?" Mamoru states rudely rather than asking "I thought it wasn't my business to say anything" he says than seeing that Mamoru is just sitting there he continues, "Four years ago when Usagi-san was 17, I think that she might have been truly in love........... she would come home and play happy Christmas music instead of all the depressing Bach..... but on Eve when she came home all she played was Bach, and thats all she ever plays now (on the piano) but since that Eve....... is when she started to go out with guys and break up with them for fun" "Do you know who the guy was?" "No I don't" Ikariya answers *the next few paragraphs might get a little confusing cause I'm going to be changing from what Mamoru is doing to what Usagi is doing* Mamoru is at his desk with a paper infront of him saying, 'Mom dies giving birth to her' 'first love dumps her' and 'no santa' with all of them leading to one word in big letter which is EVE he thinks, "she needs to have one Eve without anything bad happening" ------------------------------------------ Usagi looks out of her hotelroom window to the busy Tokyo street and hangs up her cell (AN: she was just on the phone with someone) and turns it off, then goes over to the mirror and takes off her jacket to reveal a tight black dress ---------------------------------- Mamoru picks up his cell (AN: I just wanted to let everyone know that EVERYONE in Japan has a cell phone!!! if you've seen a Japanese drama you'd know what I was talking about) and dials, he hangs up and mutters 'she turned it off' and dials another number, "Hello Sakamoto residence" "Hi is Usagi there?" Mamoru asks "No shes not is this Koizumi-sensei?" Ikariya says "Yes this is do you know where Usagi went?" "No, but I saw her holding a business card when she left" "Do you know what business?" Mamoru asks curios to where she'd go "Yes, it said Mi Club" Ikariya answers "thank you bye" Mamoru says in a rush, a million thoughts going through his head --------------------------------------- knock knock Usagi walks slowly to the door and breathes in deeply before opening it, to find Takashi there *I thought that this song would be perfect for this fic* BE THE MAN by: Celine Dion album: Lets Talk About Love I would fight not to ever fall too deep never sure that love would grow Now at night as I lay me down to sleep I could never let you go And lying here with you, I still can't believe it's tur Never thought that I would ever find a love that lasts forever Be the man that's mine find the love that never goes away Be the heart I know will be the one that beats for me, be the man Used to be scared if I would ever get this close I'm not afraid to touch you now Long before I knew, I'd be making love to you I dreamed that maybe I would one day Lose myself in someone, someday Be the man that's mine I always try to find the love that never goes away Be the heart I know will be the one that beats for me, be the man Take me where I have never been I will follow you, you'll never be alone I will run, run to you I never thought that I would ever find a love that lasts forever Be the man that's mine I always try to find the love that never goes away Tell me we will always be together make us stay in love this way forever Be the heart I know will be the one that beats for me Wherever you may be Always be with me, be the man Usagi just stares at him, not really believeing he showed up, seeing that she'll not invite him in he steps into the room ------------------------------------ Mamoru is at Mi Club looking for Usagi "Hey Mamoru" he hears and looks behind him to see Motoki, "why don't you sit down?" Motoki says so he does "What are you doing here?" Motoki asks "I'm looking for someone, how do you know about this place?" Mamoru says "Oh, Usagi and I came here last night" "Usagi? Sakamoto Usagi??" "Yeah her, she seems to know the owner, but it seems that he isn't here now" Motoki says and takes a sip of his drink "How do you know her?" "Her dad is the one of the important guys for the hospitals here you heard of him right, Kenji Sakamoto?" "Yeah I've heard of him, hes the one who is in charge of the new hospital project isn't he?" Mamoru says "Yeah thats him" Motoki replies wondering why Mamoru knew Usagi 'I hope Usagi isn't with him (Takashi)' Mamoru thinks --------------------------------------- Takashi and Usagi are in the middle of the room facing each other, Takashi says, "Omae iiona ni nata na" "Souda wa watashi wa iiona ni nata wa yo" Usagi says (AN: I don't know how to say this in English to make is sound as I want to but if you really want to know than e-mail me and tell me you want to know what it means) then puts her hands around his neck and says, "Zuuto ima o matte ta wa" (which translates to "I've been waiting for this to moment") Takashi stares at her for a moment then hugs her ------------------------------------- "So Koizumi-san how do you know Usagi?" Motoki asks "Her butler came to me one day and asked me to help her get over depression, but she doesn't know it neither does Mr. Sakamoto they think I'm only the driver" Mamoru explains "Were you going to tell me?" "I wasn't planning on telling you, but since you know her and you asked I did" Mamoru states looking at his drink thinking Usagi is with Takashi ------------------------------------- Takashi puts his arm around her shoulder and looks down at Usagi, she closes her eyes so Takashi leans down and starts kissing her neck (AN: their in bed, obviously) *2 hrs. Later* Usagi is infront of the mirrow putting in her earrings, "Nani shi tenda?" (translation: "What are you doing?") Usagi turns around to see that Takashi woke up and is looking at her with sleepy eyes "come here" he says Usagi doesn't move so he reaches and grabs her wrist and pulls her to the side of the bed "I have to go" Usagi says her voice shaky Takashi looks at the clock which read '9:47 P.M.' and says, "Soka.... omae ojyosuan data na" (tanslation: "oh yeah....... you're a ojyosan") she looks at him then goes over to the table and comes back, then opens her hand to reveal couple tens she crumbles them up and drops them on the bed next to him and says, "Here, this is your cab money" repeating what he did to her four years ago on Eve, Takashi stares at her for a minute.... ---------------------------------------- *next day* Usagi is in front of the college when she spots a silver porsche, Motoki seeing her gets out of it and says, "Do you want to go somewhere?" "sure" she replies, getting in the passenger side They pull up in front of Mi Club, Usagi stares at it, "Well lets go in" Motoki says Getting in the club they see that there is a fight and that Takashi is getting beat up by a Yakuza (AN: if you don't know what a Yakuza is its a really bad gang in Japan) they hear the Yakuza guy say, "Where is it?!" to Takashi Usagi is shocked that Takashi is getting beat up than she goes next to them and picks up a cup on wine that is on the table next to her and spills it on the Yakuza guy he lets go of Takashi and looks at her he says, "Who are you?!" "Watashi wa dare de moii wa" (translation: "It doesn't matter who I am") and gets our her wallet pulling out all the money from it then hands it to the Yakuza guy, "This should be enough, now leave him alone" Usagi says coldly and walks away. The Yakuza guy is takein' back, so Takashi punches him in the jaw, and he falls down cause he wasn't expecting it, he takes the money from his hands and goes over to Usagi, putting his arm on her shoulder to turn her around he says, "I don't want your money" and offers her the money back she doesn't take it so he puts it in her hand, pulling her closer to him in the process he whispers to her, "I didn't sleep with you for your money" Usagi stares at him, their eyes locking for a second then Takashi pushes her away to Motoki (He doesn't push her to hard though) *5 hours or so later* Usagi reaches the top/balcony floor of the Fuji building and sees Mamoru sitting there she goes and sits next to him "How did you know I'd come here?" he doesn't answer her question and says, "Aitsu to itandana?" he states (translarion: "You were with him huh?") "Neta wa...... mae sareta mono o kaisouto omota no ni watashi no hou ga kurushinde ru" Usagi says her words coming to a whisper at the last few words (translation:"I slept with him..... to make him feel what I felt when he did the same thing to me 4 years ago"), but Mamoru heard her and says "Soka" (translation: "oh") seeing that he isn't conforting her she says, "I regret it though, four years ago I fell in love with him, but he dumped me on Christmas Eve saying "omae akita" (translation: "I'm bored with you" or "I'm sick of you") I really loved him" she says than laughs bitterly "Watashi baka data na, aitsu nanka suki ni nara natara" she whispers as tears fall down her face (translation: "I was stupid, for falling for a guy like him") "Aitsu ni yuu ta no ka?" Mamoru says, (translation:"Have you told him?") "no" Usagi replies "why?" Usagi ignores his question so he says, "You should tell him, it'll make you feel better....... I know you can do it" *half an hour later* After Mamoru convinces Usagi to tell him They pull up on the other side of the street of Mi Club and see that there are police cars parked infront of it Usagi gets out of the car and runs across to see two police men walking Takashi to the patrol car he stares at her when the police push him down into the car "Sekaku kitano ni" Usagi whispers to herslef (translation: "I finally got the courage to tell him...." Mamoru is looking at all that just happened feeling bad for Usagi then goes by her "I'll drive you home" He says "I want to walk" Usagi replies then continues seeing that Mamoru isn't trusting her at the moment "I promise to go straight home, I just need to think" *next day, around 3 p.m.* Mamoru is outside of the police station, Takashi comes out and walks past him, Mamoru follows him then catches up to him "I heard you borrowed some money from the Yakuza to start the club" Mamoru says Takashi stops for a second and looks at Mamoru, "Kimi histukoi ne?" Takshi says (translation: "your pushy aren't you?) "I have one favor to ask" Mamoru says *10 minutes later, at Mi Club, its dark because its closed* Mamoru is sitting at a table and says, "Please listen to what she has to say" "Yabai to omota yo.. Eve ni wa na, "watashi wa piano o shito ni hita koto nai kedo, kyo anata no tame ni wa hiitai wa" to yuwaretan da yo" Takashi says (trans: "I knew it was dangerous... on Eve she said, :"I've never played the piano for anybody, but I want to play it for you today" "Thats why you broke up with her?" "I'm not the type of guy, she wanted, she was so weak she trusted me too much, thought too much of me, but I wasn't the guy she needed is what I thought, and when I saw her she looked like nothing could hurt her" Takashi says "Dakara sa onegai yo" Mamoru pleades (trans:"so please") "I don't have time, I've got to get away from Tokyo, fast" Takashi says while getting all the money from the register "Please if you do than I can confess to her" Mamoru says Takashi goes behind the bar staring at him and says, "so you fell for her huh?" "Don't put it that way" he says laughing a little Takashi laughs a little and says, "sure, but hurry" okay if you are wondering what Takashi would look like e-mail me cause I know exactly who woudl resmemble him so send me and e-mail saying you would like to know what Takashi would look like and I'll send you a picture of Takashi Kashiwabara (who I am picturing for this thats why his name is Takashi!!) maru, maru, maru, maru, maru... sorry but I have the song Chokoto Love by: Puchimoni stuck in my head, because I just watched Hey Hey Hey Music Champ, the X-mas special!! The more feed back the faster the chapter come!! please remember that cause I am thinking of discontinueing this fic!! :( --