Title:Eve Rated:PG Part Four E-mail address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com or Nako@smapxsmap.net Okay this should clear up *almost* all the confusingness!! I know that this chapter is short but I'm hoping to get the next chapters long!! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! so please don't sue me I'm poor : p "Please if you do than I can confess to her" Mamoru says Takashi goes behind the bar staring at him and says, "so you fell for her huh?" "Don't put it that way" he says laughing a little Takashi laughs a little and says, "sure, but hurry" ---------------------- *next day* "Where are we going?!" Usagi asks as she is being dragged by Mamoru in the airport, he doesn't answer but stops, Usagi stops too than sees Takashi sitting in one of the chairs, "Go tell him" Mamoru says Usagi just stands there staring at him and slowly shakes her head 'no' "Come on" Mamoru says then pushes her forward lightly, Usagi walks head up to Takashi, Takashi seeing her coming takes off his sunglasses, "I didn't come to tell, you not to go" Usagi says than looks at him, seeing that he could care less she continues, "I can't believe you did that to a 17 year old girl, thorwing me away like a piece of trash!" seeing that he still has the 'I could care less' look on his face, "I hated you for doing that to me! I wished and wished and wished you weren't the one I fell in love with (for the first time), ................ but... but now I can say that... that I'm glad you were my first real love, because after what you did to me I became a stronger person" Takashi is just looking at her with no emotion "Dakara, dakara arigatou to yui tai" (trans: so, so I want to thank you) Usagi says barly above a whisper Takashi stands up, so he is facing Usagi than says, "iiona da,..... kono aida yori, mae yori imaga ichiban iiona da" (tran: um... I don't know exactly how to translate iiona to english but I'll give it a try: "You're stong, ..... stronger than, that night, and stonger than 4 years ago" that sound dumb but in Japanese it sound so much better!!) "Is that because" he looks at Mamoru (who is pretty far away from them) "of him?" Takahsi says than smirks, "Ja na" Usagi just nods so Takashi walks away. When Takashi gets to where Mamoru is he stops a little than says, "If your going to confess/confront her I'd do it now" "Thank you na" Mamoru says than walks towards Usagi, who is watching Takashi walk to his plane, Mamoru puts his hand in his pocket and takes out a id card that says 'Mamoru Koizumi, mental doctor" (AN: I bet you weren't expecting that one were you?? now you all know why he is pretending to be Usagi's driver huh??) when he reaches her he opens his mouth to say something but Usagi says, "I remember what I was going to play for him on Eve" Mamoru says, "You do?! why don't you let me hear it" as he puts his id card back into his pocket *20 min later* "is it okay that we're here?" Usagi asks looking around at the hospital playroom "sure it is the people know me here, can you play it? we the audience are waiting" Mamoru says looking at Akira who is doing a puzzle (AN: I hope you all remeber Akira! he is the one who colored his sky black in ch.1) Usagi nods than sits at the piano "Go on" Mamoru says a little teasingly she starts to play a happy christmas tune and Akira looks up from his puzzle, Mamoru is looking at Usagi with a sad look in his eyes, Akira suddenly gets up and goes over to the piano after standing there for a minute he puts his head on Usagi's arm and closes his eyes Usagi is taken' back from this and stops playing and looks back at Mamoru he mouthes "keep playing, please" so she does. After shes done playing Akira gives her a puzzle piece than leaves the room. Usagi goes over to Mamoru with a questioning face, "Arigatou na" Mamoru says (trans: "thank you") "Akira's never done anything volunteerly" seeing the puzzled look on her face he says, "Last year when his family went on a boating trip, Akira fell overboard, and his mom went in after him, she saved him, but she didn't make it, ever since than hes never talked of done anything volunteerly and he never lets anybody touch the last piece of his puzzle" Usagi looks at the puzzle and sees that there is one piece missing and thats the one she has, Mamoru says, "why don't you put the last one in?" "I don't deserve to put it in...... I'm not a good person, remeber when you called me a stuck-up ojousan? well thats true" Usagi says with tears trickling down her face Mamoru says, "come on you've risen above the stuck-up ojousan's..... and I'm sure Akira knows that too or he wouldn't of given you that piece" Usagi nods then puts the last piece in. "My friend owns Pink Dolphine (AN: do any of you reconize that? its the bar that they use in Ai wa aserazu with Oda Yuji and Katori Shingo) and they are having a party there for the owner, so do you want to go?" Mamoru asks "No I just want to go home" ----------------------- Usagi is home and at the table waiting for dinner, Ikariya noticing her happy mood says, "Did something good happen today?" Usagi nods than says, "You know what? my friend invited me to a party of his friends, I think I'll go" with that she left the house leaving a smiling Ikariya behind -------------------------- *Mamoru and Motoki are at Pink Dolphine* "So have you told Usagi yet?" Motoki asks "No I was going to tell her today but I couldn't" "I've always admired the way you work with your patients, but this time I don't like what you are doing!! pretending to be her driver when you are a mental doctor...." crash, Motoki and Mamoru turn around to see Usagi there with a broken flower pot at her feet she turns and runs out thinking "he's a mental doctor" Thats a twist huh?? Do any of you miss Takashi?? {sob} {sob} I do!! if you've seen his pic you would too!! but anywayz if you read this fic please please please e-mail me about it cause I am thinking that only couple people are reading it! Just out of curiousity how many of you ARE Japanese?? if you are can you e-mail me and tell me Nihon no mirai wa (wow X 4) Sekai ga urayamu (yeah X 4) koi wo shiyojanaika (wow X 4) dance dancin' all of the night!!!! sorry I have Love Machine by: Morning Musume stuck in my head!!! actually I have a couple stuck in my head!! : p --