Title:Eve Rated:PG Part Five E-mail address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com or Nako@smapxsmap.net Thank you soooo much to all those people who have e-mailed me about this!!!!!!!!! that was a twist you weren't expecting huh about Mamoru being a mental doctor? well I hope you enjoy this chapter! Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters!! so please don't sue me I'm poor : p -------------------------- *Mamoru and Motoki are at Pink Dolphine* "So have you told Usagi yet?" Motoki asks "No I was going to tell her today but I couldn't" "I've always admired the way you work with your patients, but this time I don't like what you are doing!! pretending to be her driver when you are a mental doctor...." crash, Motoki and Mamoru turn around to see Usagi there with a broken flower pot at her feet she turns and runs out thinking "he's a mental doctor" ---------------------------------------------------- "I thought you'd be here" Mamoru says Usagi turns around to see Mamoru standing there (AN: at the Fuji building) "You're a mental doctor?!.......... were you ever going to tell me?!.... did my father do this?!?" Usagi asks "no it was your butler Ikariya" Mamoru replies "Well your fired Koizumi-sensei" she says emphasizeing sensei Mamoru only nods, than walks away ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ojisan mo yameru wa" (tran: " (old man) I'm gonna quit") "But.... Koizumi Sensei, please Usagi was doing really good with you" Ikariya begs "I'm sorry I can't keep doing this besides now that she knows why don't you get another doctor to help her, but this time don't lie to her, I know some really good doctors in the field" Mamoru says and leaves the restaurant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mamoru is in the play room at the hospital with Akira, Akira is drawing a picture of animals and he reaches over to pick up a color for the sky and he is about to reach for the black one (Like in ch.1) but picks up the blue one and starts coloring. Mamoru smiles and says, "Do you want to go to the zoo tomorrow Akira?" Akira nods "Okay than!! I'll pack a lunch for us!" Mamoru says ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *next day* "Stupid traffic" Mamoru mutters looking around at the cars all around him *meanwhile* A nurse and Akira are outside "Koizumi-sensei should be here any minute now" the nurse says "Fukada-san!!" someone yells "I'll be back in a minute stay here until Koizumi-sensei comes okay?" the nurse says and runs into the hospital ************************************ Mamoru is still in his car, and looks at his watch "I hope I don't get too late" ring..... ring... ring.. "Hello, Koizumi?" Mamoru says "Koizumi-sensei we can't find Akira!! a nurs.." Mamoru hangs-up not caring what else they were going to say he gets out of his car and starts running toward the hospital ********************************* Its getting cloudy as Akira is walking and sees a big tree and starts climbing it, when he gets to one of the highest branches he sits down and looks at the sky, than lightning stucks and Akira is on the grass with blood coming out of his head ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile~~~~~ "Would you marry my daughter?" Mr.Sakamoto asks "W... what?" Motoki says "I'm asking if you would marry my daughter, Usagi I'm getting old now and I need to know that once I pass away the new hospital will be in good hands and with the way Usagi is I don't think she'll ever decide to marry on her own" "You want me to marry Usagi?" "Yes Motoki-kun you are a very respectable man and I think that is just what the hospital needs" Mr.Sakamoto says ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mamoru is soaking wet as he walks into the hospital "Where is Akira" Mamoru asks Nurse Fukada "He's in critical condition" "Have you called Dr. Furuhata yet?" "No I'll go and call him now" Nurse Fukada says walks off ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Motoki's cell is ringing, but he doesn't get it because he left it in his car ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I can't find him Koizumi-sensei!" "Have you tried his cell?" "Yes but he isn't answering?" "Damn" Mamoru curses and walks into Akiras room Mamoru looks at Akiras head which is all bandaged-up and says, "Gomen na Akira, gomen na" (trans: "I'm sorry Akira, I'm sorry") beep beep beep beep the machine says "He's gone" Nurse Fukada says "Where is Furuhata-sensei?........ Koizumi-sensei please come with me" one of the elder doctor says *** "I don't know where Furuhata-sensei is................ but we need someone to take the blame for Akira's death.... and we can't have Furuhata-sensei dismissed, he means a lot to this hospital...." the doctor leaves the sentence off and looks at Mamoru "Please Koizumi-sensei you know that Furuhat-sensei is important here and you...." "I'll take the responsibility of Akira's death" Mamoru says and walks out of the room to pack up his things ********** next day**************** "What!!!!!!" Usagi yells and looks at her butler that just came into the room "The little boy, Akira died?" Usagi asks Ikariya nods, "Here is a letter for you" and hands her the envelope Usagi takes the envelope from him. "this is from Mamoru?" Usagi asks than starts reading it "He's fired!!!!! How can that be!! he was good with Akira! he didn't cause his death!!!" Usagi says than continues "when did he give this to you?" "About 10 minutes ago" Ikariya answers After hearing that Usagi runs out of her house ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usagi runs into Pink Dolphine, and looks around for Mamoru after spotting him she goes behind him and says "Why were you fired!?" Mamoru turns around and says, "I'm resonsible for his death" Usagi sits next to him and says, "No you aren't! your only a mental doctor! how can they blame it on you?" "I'm the only one that the hospital doesn't need" "But!.... I saw how good you were with him, he loved you!!" Usagi says "I promised him I'd take him to the zoo that day...... and look what I found in his room" Mamoru says and hands her a wrinkled piece of paper Usagi looks down at it and sees a drawing of two people one adult and one little boy with animals next to them next to the little boy it says 'me' and next to the adult it says 'Koizumi-sensei, my friend' and by the animals 'zoo' is written "He was so happy when I told him we were going to the zoo......... he's never been there............. once I asked him where he wanted to go and he pointed to the sky..... and you know what he got there" Mamoru says with a shaky voice "I'm sure that Akira is happy now, probably with his mother listening to her play the piano" seeing that he is still depressed she says, "and you know what I want you to become MY mental doctor" Mamoru looks at her surprised "besides you helped me rise above all the stuck-up ojousans" Usagi says and smiles at him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 min. later~~~~~ 'I have to tell Ikariya that I'm took Mamoru back as my mental doctor' Usagi thought as she went into her house, "Do you know where Ikariya is?" Usagi asks the maid "Yes ma'am he's in your fathers study" Usagi goes up to the study and when she walks in she sees Motoki there "Well Usagi you came at the perfect time, I've decided that you need to settle down and the hospital needs someone to take my place after I pass away and I think that Motoki is the perfect man for it" Mr.Sakamoto says and looks at her, seeing the shocked look on her face he says, "How about we have the ceremony on Eve? that'll be a perfect day and its perfect time two weeks from now" Usagi runs out of the room and into her room and starts playing some Bach than remembering what Mamoru had said to her she starts playing the Christmas music she played for Akira, her dad comes in and says, "I remeber playing this for you when you were just a little girl" and sits next to her and starts playing it too "Only if I'd known it'd be this easy (AN: to get back in touch with her {I hope you all know what I mean}) It was so hard rasing you by myself I didn't know how to raise a daughter, I'm sorry" he says Usagi looks at her dad like its her first time seeing him and says, "I'll marry him if that'd make you happy" "You will!!" he says and continues"Than we better make the arrangements for your dress and the chapel" doo do doo.... another twist in the story huh? I hope nobody hates me for this but what did you think of this chapter? please e-mail me and tell me what you thought cause I would really like to know!! does anyone like Tell Me You Love Me?? Does anyone know who Tsuyoshi Domoto, Koichi Domoto, Kimura Takuya, Katori Shingo, or Nakai Masahiro is?? if you don't they are really hot guys!! I can send you a posty of them if you want so just tell me cause I am dying to send someone a posty of'em!! Oh yeah remember the more e-mails I get the faster the next chapter comes out and the next chapter should be the most exciting one!!!!!!! --