Lunar Prime Prologue by the Hoyden ( Rated PG ------ Author's Notes: Two disclaimers this time. First of all, I do not own Sailor Moon. Second, the basis of this story comes from the wonderful "Rowan" series by Anne McCaffery. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful feedback I got on my first story, "Something Special." I hope that you like this one just as well. ------ Six o'clock already I was just in the middle of a dream I was kissin' Valentino By a crystal blue Italian stream But I can't be late 'Cause then I guess I just won't get paid These are the days When you wish your bed was already made - "Manic Monday" by the Bangles An artist with entirely too much time on his hands might have fancied that the vision before him was a dove in flight, a beautiful, pristine miracle of nature. However, those less creatively inclined could only sigh and shake their heads because the new Lunar Prime had woken up late and was dashing through the halls of the massive Lunar Tower in an attempt to make up for lost of time. Serenity skidded to a halt at the doorway to the Control Room of of the Tower. She took a moment to slow her breathing to normal and examined the traditional opal and ivory colored costume of the Lunar Prime. Mother Goddess, she prayed, I hope this makes me look enough like the Queen so that people won't snicker up their sleeves when they find out I don't know what I'm doing! The lapis luzuli eyes closed for a moment in the sheer horror of that thought. Seconds later, her eyes opened once more and she straightened, holding her head high as she was taught. I AM the Lunar Prime, she reminded herself once again. With that thought firmly in mind, she marched into the Control Room with an air about her that would have done the old Queen proud. Unlike other Towers, the Lunar Tower was almost ancient. The original structure predated all other structures in the solar system. It was a beautiful work of breathtaking science and a little something else, and the people of the Moon adopted it, refined it, and turned it into the central hub of teleportation traffic. This buzzing center of transportation was made possible by the effort of a Prime. Prime psionic Talents were rare and difficult to come by. Their power was the strongest, and their telepathic might was such they could easily send their thoughts to another across the galaxy, as well as hurtle ships great distances with their awe-inspiring strength of teleportation. Though she had just come of age, there had never been any doubt that Serenity would become a Prime since psionic Talents of the first rating were only found about every twenty years. However, the way in which Serenity ascended to the position of Lunar Prime was somewhat unexpected. Usually, the only reason a Prime was replaced was because said Prime had died. But the Queen, as the former Lunar Prime was known, was alive and well. Only two days ago, strangely enough, the Queen had quite firmly let everyone know that she was stepping down from her position and was going on a journey. This was highly irregular and much protested, but the Queen would have none of it. Yesterday afternoon she had packed a few things, settled herself in her personal carrier, and teleported herself somewhere as yet unknown. So it was after this chain of events that the previously carefree Serenity found herself in a position of power and responsibility, and she wasn't yet sure that she liked either. But this did not hold her back from climbing the stairs in the center of the Control Room to the Prime's station, where she gracefully sat down on the comfortably padded throne-like chair. A Lunar cat jumped up onto the arm of the chair and bowed his head in respect. Serenity froze for a moment. Think like a Prime, think like a Prime...what do you say to your assistant Lunar cats? Since her mouth apparently wasn't going to work, she decided to do it the other way. ^Hello,^ she telepathed the cat, timidly. The cat blinked in surprise. ^Welcome, Serenity. We have a lot of work to do this morning.^ ^I'm afraid, Artemis, that I don't really know what to do,^ she confessed to the cat, somewhat shamefacedly. Artemis gave her the trademark eerie cat grin. ^Just do what I tell you. You DO know how to teleport large objects, right?^ he asked impudently, a note of teasing in his mental "voice." Serenity mock scowled at him, and then gave up, giggling. Artemis rolled his eyes and brought up the pertinent data on the nearby computer screen. "The next shipment," he told her aloud, "is a drone with mining tools that is destined for Pluto. Contact the Prime and inform her. She'll tell you what to do from there." Serenity gulped. Not even five minutes into the job and she had to 'path Pluto Prime. Setsuna wasn't particularly known for her warmth and understanding when it came to someone slowing down her schedule. Oh well, Serenity mentally shrugged. It can't be helped. With the massive generators roaring behind her, Serenity cast her web of thought out. ^Lunar Prime to Pluto Prime...^ A husky alto mind voice answered, ^Good morning, Serenity.^ The new Lunar Prime nervously noted that the sudden change of Primes on the Moon didn't seem to faze Pluto in the least. But considering Pluto's "night" job, that made sense. Directing her thought more firmly this time, Serenity informed Pluto of the details regarding the shipment, repeating everything Artemis was whispering a moment after he said it. Then it was time. ^Ready to send.^ Serenity informed her. ^Ready to receive.^ Pluto replied. With that, Serenity tapped the power of the massive Tower generators and spun the drone light years away to the small tower on the mining world of Pluto. Serenity "felt" Pluto take the drone from her grip, and set it neatly onto the landing pad in her tower. ^Well done.^ Pluto congratulated her. ^But perhaps a little faster next time.^ she noted clinically. Serenity breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, the rest of her day was spent bringing in technology shipments from the mild and kind Mercury Prime, who gently instructed her as they went along. Serenity found she already liked her a great deal, and was grateful for Mercury's patience. After a short break, she was told that next she'd be passing some cargo from Jupiter along to Earth. After a short dialogue with the impetuous and friendly Makoto, Serenity made her first ever call to the Earth Prime. ^WHAT!? Those are not at all scheduled. First day on the job and you're already breaking procedure, Lunar Prime?^ came an utterly peeved masculine voice. ^But...she said it would be okay...^ Serenity stuttered, feeling like a person who couldn't swim flailing helplessly in the water. She rubbed her eyes, exhausted from a day of strenuous work and a mountain of new things that she had to learn. Tiredly, she drew her legs up and rested her head onto her knees. I never wanted any of this, she thought miserably to herself. Apparently he heard. A strange, phantom touch brushed her cheek. ^I know,^ his mental voice almost a whisper. ^Believe me, I know.^ Then he was all business again. ^Read up on the rules and regs manual tonight, Lunar, and for heaven's sake, check with Artemis first if you don't know. Jupiter is a little mischievous at times and she tends to want to break the rules just for the sake of breaking them. Give me the cargo.^ Thoughtlessly, she teleported it without even touching the power of the generators. She heard the Earth Prime mentally groan in disgust. ^That's what the generators are for, you loon, to conserve your strength.^ ^I am NOT a loon!^ Serenity shot back, fire scorching the thought. ^In your position, I fail to see how you could be elsewise,^ came his response. He obviously thought this was humorous. ^Good night, Lunar Prime.^ ^My NAME is Serenity,^ she groused. A velvet chuckle filled her mind. ^A less apt name I couldn't have chosen. You're not at all serene. In fact,^ he paused reflectively, ^you're rather like a bunny. All fidgeting and everything.^ Serenity was speechless with rage, both vocally and mentally. ^Good night, Bunny.^ And he was gone. In her residence that night, Serenity plopped exhaustedly into her bed. "Stupid, annoying Earth Primes who think they know everything," she muttered angrily to herself. "Computer," she called. "I want to see a recent hologram of the Earth Prime." The computer obeyed and Serenity's jaw dropped. The Earth Prime was a young man with wavy onyx hair and piercingly blue eyes. An exceptionally handsome young man stared back at her, and she knew that she was instantly sorry that she had gotten off on the wrong foot with him. Her nose twitched. But he was still a big jerk! Bunny, indeed. She'd show him. She would show everyone that she could live up to her name. As she drifted off to sleep, her eyes absently noted the caption under the holo. Endymion. ------------- All authors appreciate feedback. I, however, really appreciate it. Almost as much as chocolate. Email me at I would really like suggestions/constructive criticisms/hi, how are you's, etc. I swear to you, I am done teething and I will not bite. Luv ya's to Miss J, Nicole Cherre, and Twilight - you guys are the best. :) Lunar Prime Chapter 1 by the Hoyden ( Rated PG Author's Notes: There are so many lovely fanfics out there! Nicole Cherre's "Trusting Heart", Twilight's "Just Because...", "Thorns in the Rose" by the Yarnspinner, and "The Less Glamorous Life" by Miss J. Of course there are many others, but let's keep these AN's short, okay? Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. "Lunar Prime" is based on a series of books by Anne McCaffery (bow and worship the Pern Goddess). ^denotes telepathed thought^ In your eyes are my secrets that I've never shown you In my heart I feel I've always known you In your arms there's a comfort that I never knew You're what I've been waiting for, there's no one like you -"No One Like You" by Sarah Brightman Endymion sat alone, letting the soothing light of the moon enfold him like a lover's embrace. The moon bleached his onyx hair to a stormy blue, a disturbing color that was matched by his eyes. No one really liked to look into them, he reflected. Michiru, the Neptune Prime, had confessed once that she felt that his eyes stripped away all defenses and plunged directly to the soul, holding it captive and stripping it of its secrets. "Do I frighten you, Michiru?" he had asked, dreading the answer that he was certain would come. But Michiru of the ocean was implacable. "No. But you should." Then she had teleported away, leaving him with her last words echoing in his mind. He knew she wouldn't come back; Neptune had her own way of divining secrets, and Endymion's were as black and forbidden as they came. He sipped a bit of wine from a delicate glass. The secrets, buried inside him, kept him alone. As did, of course, what occurred one fateful night seven years ago. Only the other Primes knew the truth - could handle the truth, he amended. The people were told that the former Earth Prime had "disappeared." He snorted in derision; the Earth Prime had done the same thing that the old Queen had done not less than three days ago. Just as had happened to him, Serenity was pushed into the vacant seat. Serenity. He had spent most of this quiet night trying not to think about her. No good could come of it, he knew. The exuberant girl was too trusting and too ignorant of the past. He wondered idly if she would be different from the other Primes, if she could learn to harness the power he had. His thoughts reached inward and outward at the same time, to caress that metallic blue link to his greatest power, his greatest secret. The power of the planet Earth itself filled his mind with a reaching sort of ecstasy, a soaring sensation that had managed to keep the loneliness at bay these past seven years. Everything was alright, he had convinced himself. He could stand the loneliness, the hatred, the pain, the longing, the bitter sadness, as long as he could experience this. Except that it wasn't really what he wanted, a fact of which he was becoming increasingly aware. The power of the Earth would rush over his mind like the ocean over the sand, taking with it the rocks of hurt and suffering. But as it withdrew, he felt like he was standing alone, reaching for some shining light above him that he could never hope to grasp. Serenity. You can't do this, he told himself bitterly. She's too young, too innocent. You have no business thinking about her at all. Besides, you just reprimanded her and teased her this evening. What makes you think she would want anything to do with you? But for all his internal arguments, he could not quell the desire to see her. Just a minute, he promised himself. One look and then I'll leave and never come back. His mind picked up the silver, jeweled string that led to Serenity's mind. After ascertaining that she was asleep and alone, he raised his wine glass to the Moon. "To a clever old Queen and a faerie-princess," he toasted, then drained the last dregs of the glass. He carefully set down the master work of crystal and then walked to the edge of the balcony. Closing his azure eyes, he teleported himself to the Moon. To her darkened bedroom, to be exact. Through the large window he could see his beloved Earth, which lent illumination to the goddess asleep in front of him. Her unearthly beauty caught his breath as he contemplated this slumbering angel with her hair seemingly spun of gold. He approached the bed, afraid to make a sound, afraid to even breathe for fear that she should awake and he would have to leave. She was beautiful, like a clear night sky, like the forest after a summer rainstorm, like a faerie from old Earth legend. He knelt beside the bed so that he could be face to face with her. Her skin was a flawless creamy color, her lips a dusky rose, and her expression was one of gentle peace. In a few moments' time, Endymion knew that his heart was lost. He would have no one if he could not have her. He ached to touch her, to run his fingers through her hair, to caress her face, to press his lips to her own. Forgetting himself, he groaned quietly. The angel stirred. Endymion froze. Do not wake! he pleaded silently. Stay asleep so that I might look at you a bit longer! She mercifully settled once again, snuggling deeper into her covers. Endymion gazed at her for a bit longer, then realized that he was trembling. Even though he could cite a dozen different reasons why he shouldn't, he could not suppress one small wish. It'll be quick, he promised himself. She'll never even feel it, never know that I have been here. He leaned in slowly, careful to make no sound. His lips brushed her own, and it was like the touch of a thousand heavens in one place. He leaned back again, the stolen kiss having shaken him to the depths of his soul. With one final glance at the faerie-princess asleep in her bed, he teleported himself back to Earth. He thoughtfully picked up his empty wine glass and brought it inside, latching the door behind him. In his bedroom he stripped off the casual breeches and crisp shirt that he preferred to the traditional costume of the Earth Prime, and then climbed into bed. For the first time in a very long time, he did not stare at the ceiling for hours before succumbing to exhaustion. Instead, he fell asleep quickly, peacefully, with visions of Serenity filling his mind. Though many would have scoffed if told so, Serenity was not in the habit of making the same mistake twice. Awakening this morning after a good night's sleep, she showered and dressed quickly before 'porting to the Tower. Artemis had blinked in surprise, which was understandable, seeing as he had expected a repeat of yesterday. But Serenity settled into her chair and punched up the morning schedule on her monitor, taking time to review it thoroughly. Artemis hummed to himself while readying everything for the morning traffic, pleased to have a new Prime who had such an obvious desire to do things right. ^HEY!!! GET READY TO CATCH!^ came an unfamiliar voice that made Serenity wince. "Who is that?" she demanded of Artemis in a strangled, outraged tone, her face burning with confusion and fury. Artemis heaved a sigh of long-term resignation. "That would be Uranus. She hates ceremony, so do indeed 'get ready.'" Serenity steeled herself and struggled to catch a number of rapidly thrown freighters. So strenuous was it that a sheen could be seen on her forehead when she had finished setting them down on the landing pads in front of the Tower. ^Thank you, Uranus Prime,^ she 'pathed politely, but wearily. ^Hey, you're welcome, babe. Catch you later!^ came the roguish Prime's response. Artemis rolled his eyes at Haruka's defiant disregard for protocol. Imagine, addressing the Lunar Prime as "babe" ! What cheeky insolence, he huffed to himself. Slender fingers smoothed the fur around his ears. ^It's really alright, Artemis,^ Serenity 'pathed quietly. ^Not worth getting worked up about. We've got the rest of the day ahead of us!^ Artemis nodded slowly in agreement. "Well, Prime, as you know, the Lunar Tower's basic responsibility is to help with Earth's traffic. Those Uranian freighters are due for Earth, so let's get to it, shall we?" Serenity didn't blink, fidget, or protest, much to his relief. Instead, she settled back and reached out for the mind that had made such a stunning impression on her own yesterday. ^Lunar Prime to Earth Prime, I've seven Uranian freighters for you to catch.^ Endymion had been in the process of receiving a passenger liner when the awaited silvery, bell-like voice softly announced itself. Firmly setting the ship down, he touched her mind again. ^Did you sleep well last night?^ he 'pathed her, nearly grinning at his audacity. ^Very well, thank you,^ she returned politely. Endymion could tell from her top thoughts that she knew nothing of his little nocturnal excursion. Just as well, he thought. She gracefully 'ported the seven freighters into Earth's orbit where his mind touched hers briefly as he took them from her grasp. Endymion was normally never one to mix business with pleasure, but he reveled in every one of the innocent, routine touches of her mind. At every touch, Serenity sought to look deeper into his mind, reaching, stretching, to know more of the enthralling Endymion. She was met by brushes of charm and mystery that pulled her closer, making her almost ache with desperation. This was like nothing she had ever known, two minds encircling each other, waiting and wanting. The rest of the day she spent in a mechanical daze, plowing through her work so that the end of the day might come sooner. She teleported herself back to her residence, shaking with anticipation. She would go, she had decided. She would go to Earth, to Endymion. In the silence of the early night, she stood at her window, gazing upon the brilliant Earth. It's just like his eyes, she realized. Wasting no more time, she 'ported to Earth, following the smokey blue link to his mind. Whatever she had expected to find, she had not expected to teleport virtually into his embrace. There were no words, no thoughts, and even their breathing slowed as they looked into each other's eyes, the brilliance of the moon and the jeweled stars bathing them in a soft light. Each was afraid that this was somehow a dream, that somehow the other would disappear. Azure drowned in cerulean, cerulean drowned in azure, and for nothing in the world would they have let go of one another. Seemingly in a trance, Endymion lowered his head. This night, kisses were shared, not stolen. Never did Serenity think that things were moving too fast; on the contrary, it seemed indescribably right, inexplicably so. For once, events seemed in perfect harmony. Endymion's head was spinning. Is this love? he wondered. Infatuation? I've never once felt this whole, this complete, and never believed that she would be the answer. The moon and the night were merciful now, hiding the two from the scrutiny and responsibility of the day. For tonight, they were just Serenity and Endymion. Even though they knew that the dawn would bring ramifications, they slept entwined, embracing in the care of the night. On distant Pluto, the old Queen nodded with satisfaction. Lunar Prime Chapter 2 by the Hoyden ( Rated PG Author's Notes: Gomen, minna, for taking two weeks to get this part out. I wasn't certain what I wanted to do with this part, so I decided instead that I would spend the weekend reading other people's fanfics instead. Go read "The Gates of Time" by Meara and Karyana! I promise you won't be disappointed. Big hugs for Nicole Cherre, Miss J, Twilight, and the exceedingly adorable Milkiss. You called me last night on the telephone And I was glad to hear from you Because I was all alone You said, "It's snowing, it's snowing! God, I hate this weather." Now I walk through blizzards Just to get us back together. -"New York City" by They Might Be Giants Serenity gently removed herself from a soft, perfect dreamworld. With the memories of a miraculous night surrounding her in a gentle embrace, she turned on her side to gaze upon her love. With a wave of surprise and hurt crashing over her, she realized that she was in her own bed, and Endymion was not beside her. ^Endymion!^ she cried out to him, reaching for the man who had touched her body and soul notso long before. She encountered stern resistance in the form of his diamond-hard mind shields. He kept her at arm's distance, and a detached, cold voice seeped into her mind. ^I'm sorry, Serenity, but we just can't do this.^ Serenity's feelings of shock betrayal sliced at Endymion like a sharp blade. Struggling for control, he fought his emotions of remorse and -dare he admit it to himself?- love. It's for the best, he reminded himself forcefully. ^It just isn't appropriate, Serenity. We are professionals, after all.^ ^PROFESSIONALS?^ Serenity raged. ^I LOVE you, Endymion!!!^ Endymion shut his mind off from her completely, though no matter how strong his shields were, he couldn't shake the notion that he could hear her weep, alone and hurting in her room. Unable to dispel his own feelings of hopelessness, so instead went in early to his Tower. There he kept himself occupied for a short time by hurling things back and forth with Haruka. The force at which he did it made his mind burn with the strain, but anything was better than thinking about the lunar goddess who had so turned his world upside down. Select Primes of the Sol System were involved in a very hushed conference that morning. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn were well aware of Endymion's dilemma, but were outraged on Serenity's behalf. ^Someone has to tell her,^ young Saturn ventured quietly. ^SOMEONE needs to kick that idiot Endymion into the next system,^ Mars snapped in reply, projecting her feelings of fury and impatience on the rest. Jupiter sent an affirmative thought in reply. Only the restraint of Venus stopped the two from flexing their mental "muscles." ^Hold it, girls,^ Venus cautioned, projecting soothing thoughts. ^This is a job for someone with a delicate touch and experience in the matters of the heart.^ Mercury beat them all to the punch. ^Why, I can't think of who that would be, Minako. Do we know anyone like that?^ she asked sweetly, with a mischievous undertone. Venus rolled her eyes, mentally and physically. ^I don't have to take this abuse from you people!^ she huffed. ^Yeah, you can get it anywhere!^ Mars retorted smartly, not bothering to "muffle" her laughter. The rest of the Primes showed Venus more respect, but not much. Venus abruptly cut off contact with the rest, having had quite enough of being the comic relief for one day. Then she smoothly teleported herself from her steamy, tropical planet to a cooler, more mournful locale. Prime Venus, upon arriving on the Moon, shivered as the cool morning air assaulted her. I forgot it could be so cold, she mused. Why, I haven't been here since.... Since the old Earth Prime "disappeared." She walked inside from the balcony that she had teleported herself onto. Just as she had expected, Serenity was curled up on her bed, obviously intent on crying her eyes out. Quietly, Venus approached the bed, sending out a little "tap-on-the- shoulder" thought to Serenity, who either hadn't noticed her yet or didn't care. Apparently, however, she did care, because immediately she raised her face from her pillow. With another desperate wail, she got up and virtually threw herself, sobbing, into Venus's arms. Venus held her securely in her arms, surrounding her with gentle thoughts of comfort and reassurance. Gently she stroked her hair, and eventually Serenity's weeping quieted. "Do you want to tell me about it, sunshine?" she asked, firmly projecting her trustworthiness and her sympathetic female ear. Serenity gulped and pushed a few loose strands away from her face. "I'm just so confused...I only became Prime a few days ago, and there's so much I don't know, and then Endymion...we were together last night," she told Venus with a guilty blush, "and then this morning he said he didn't want anything to do with me!" Venus's hand curled into a fist. Goddess, Endymion was SUCH a moron sometimes. "I wish I'd never set foot into that Tower! Why did the old Queen have to go off like that and leave me alone?" Serenity wailed. Venus led her out to the balcony and motioned for her to sit down on a bench with her. "I know it must be hard to understand," Venus said softly. "But I want you to know that the old Queen was only doing what she had to do. Pluto said it was the only way to avert disaster." Serenity looked up, clearly intrigued. "You might be interested to know that the old Earth Prime did the same thing for the same reasons," Venus continued. "I know you're confused right now, but maybe I can help you by telling you a little bit about Endymion. Just like you, he never wanted to be Prime. Like the rest of us Primes, he knows that the old Earth Prime left because Pluto said it had to happen to guarantee our future. But Endymion disagrees, and he...resents Pluto for taking his decisions away from him. He's very much an independent man, your Endymion." "He isn't MY Endymion," Serenity reminded her sullenly. "There's where you're wrong, sunshine," Venus told her cheerfully. "As of the completion of the Moon's rotation today, you and Endymion are betrothed." Serenity jumped up. "I most certainly am NOT! I'm not talking to that cold, inconsiderate man ever again." Venus grabbed her by the shoulders, holding her tightly and looking at her in the eye. "Yes, my dear, you are," she said, with a dangerous edge to her voice. "The lives of every living being in this solar system DEPEND on you and Endymion getting married. All the Primes of this system have worked very hard for seven years to get this to happen, so that another event can occur. That event is the only one that can save all of us. So stow all your arguments, sunshine, because at the end of this week, you are getting married to a black-haired hunk and you WILL like it." Serenity blinked. "I...I have to go to work now," she whispered, dazed. She 'ported from Venus's sight, and the Prime sighed in relief. ^Nice subtle touch, Minako,^ Mars guffawed. ^Oh, just shut up,^ she replied absently. Endymion fought the urge to readjust his collar. After all, he was in the middle of the betrothal ceremony, and it wouldn't doto be constantly fidgeting. A quiet sigh escaped his lips. Despite all his protestations, despite all his rebellions over the years, he was here, just as Pluto had said he must be. And why had he betrayed his most cherished ideals of free destiny? As much as he would like to say so, it was not for the noble idea of saving the solar system. Oh no. It was because he couldn't keep his mind off a certain exquisite Lunar Prime. He had tried to push her away, to be faithful to his most strongly-held ideas. But her bewitching face haunted his dreams, her honeyed tones echoed in his mind, and the memory of her body against his own forced him to relent and agree to the betrothal. The voice of the priestess of Selene jolted him back to reality. "Selene blesses this betrothal," she said as she traced the traditional symbol on their foreheads with the silver dust of the Moon. "Gaia blesses this betrothal," followed the priest of the Earth, tracing the symbol with the rich soil of the Earth. "Let it be known that in seven rotations of the Earth, these two will be wed. Selene and Gaia's blessings on us all." Serenity carefully studied her shoes as the priest and priestess departed, as well as the host of Primes who had been in attendance. He didn't even look at me the whole time, she thought miserably. This is never going to work out. Why did I agree to this? It was surely the most idiotic, the most stupid, the most- "Serenity?" When she didn't look up, a gentle hand tipped her chin. He's so handsome, she thought in spite of herself. But was she imagining things, or was he looking a bit nervous right now? Yes, she decided, his eyes do look a little wild. She stared into their swirling ocean depths, waiting for him to continue. He self-consciously cleared his throat. "I...I'm not sure how things are on the Moon, but on Earth we have a custom for people who become betrothed." He ducked his head and ran his fingers through his hair before pulling a little box out of his pocket. Serenity wasn't quite sure her eyes had ever been as widely open as they were when Endymion sank to one knee in front of her. He smiled apologetically and opened the box to reveal a fantastic diamond mounted on a gold band. "I know it's a little late to be asking you this, but it is tradition. Serenity, will you marry me?" he asked, looking deep in her eyes. Needless to say, he was quite surprised when Serenity came down and wrapped him in a hug so fierce they both fell backward. She sprinkled his face liberally with kisses even as she plucked the ring from the box and put it on. Even without the aid of a mirror, Endymion was virtually certain that he was blushing. Maybe things would be okay after all. ------to be continued in Chapter Three! C'mon, you guys KNOW that marriage between these two is a disaster waiting to happen! Email me at!