Title: Something Special Author: The Hoyden Email: dulcinea42@yahoo.com Part 1 Rating: PG --------------------------------------------------------------------- "Something Special" Part 1 by the Hoyden Author's Notes: This is my first fanfic, so constructive criticism and/or encouragement are exceedingly welcome. Tell me what you think! My email is dulcinea42@yahoo.com. Sailor Moon is the property of Naoko Takeuchi and many other people who aren't me. Likewise, the song lyrics interspersed throughout this fanfic are from Shania Twain's "That Don't Impress Me Much" and are not my property by any definition of the word. And now, for something completely different: the actual story. "You think you're something special, You think you're something else." I hated him the very instant he walked into the arcade. First of all, at his arrival, Motoki jumped up from helping me with my Sailor V game and went to greet him. The next thing I knew, every girl in the arcade was making ridiculous cooing noises over him and fluttering their eyelashes. From behind me, I heard Motoki talking to the stranger. "When did you get into town, Mamoru-kun?" A deep, resonant voice answered, "Just this morning." I resolutely tuned out the rest of their conversation and concentrated on beating the new Sailor V game. I was utterly determined to pay absolutely no mind to this intruder, even though every pair of eyes in the arcade except for mine were riveted on him. Unfortunately, all my good intentions fell through when the stranger, this Mamoru, uttered the fateful sentence: "Her hair makes her look like a bunny." That's it, I thought. I HATE it when people make fun of my unique hairstyle. I spun around to see Motoki and a dark-haired young man grinning at me. "I do NOT look like a bunny," I told them in slow, furious tones. Mamoru smirked. "No, of course not. How silly of me. You look like an Odango Atama." "ODANGO ATAMA?!!!" I shrieked. Both covered their ears. "Tune it down from supersonic, Odango," Mamoru admonished me. "Listen here, you...you..." I sputtered, searching my mind for his full name or alternatively, a good epithet. "Chiba Mamoru," he supplied, sketching a performer's bow. "I don't know who you think you are, Chiba-san, but I think you are incredibly rude and you owe me an apology." Mamoru looked like he was considering it. He stroked his chin and closed his azure eyes. "Hmmm...I'm thinking...no way." "What do you mean, no way?" I demanded. His eyes opened again and he stepped forward, toe-to-toe with me. He was so tall that I had to crane my neck upwards to keep eye contact. Then he surprised me by brushing a long finger over one of my odangos and leaning down so that his lips were close to my ear. In a soft, sexy drawl, he whispered, "Because you'll always be Odango Atama to me." Then he exited the arcade swiftly, whistling a sunny tune, even as I stood in the same place fuming silently. I spent the next day attempting to keep my homicidal instincts under control. During lunch outside in the school's courtyard, however, my best friend Naru had the exceptionally bad taste to bring up yesterday afternoon in the arcade. "Oh, he was so handsome, Usagi-chan!" she gushed, twiddling one lock of her red hair. I rolled my eyes and stuffed more rice in my mouth. "Not to mention arrogant, obnoxious, and rude." Naru sighed and looked at me with utter despair. "You'll never get a date for the Spring Dance if you keep this up." I was shocked, and I could tell she regretted her words even as she said them. Against my will I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Naru-chan," I began, trying to keep any tremors out of my voice, "we're only in ninth grade. So I don't have a date yet. So what? It's not the end of the world. It doesn't really matter." False words, those. It did matter, and it was a bitter source of pain that no one had asked me out yet. Naru and I had been planning for this all winter. We went shopping and bought shoes, jewelry, and my dress. My princess dress, I thought with a lump in my throat. Now I won't get to wear my gorgeous, fluffy white dress. In the middle of my misery, I distantly heard the dreaded bell clang. Naru slowly stood up and walked off to class, not really knowing what to say to me. I, for my part, remained in my seat next to a tree as I recalled that I had a biology test that I was certain to fail this afternoon. *Splat.* Wonderful, I thought sourly, brushing the harbinger of doom off my nose. It was starting to rain. "You drive me up the wall, You're a regular original know-it-all." I hadn't remembered to bring an umbrella or a raincoat that day. Out of sheer spite, the cold rain started to pound harder as I started to walk home from school. I must have made a pathetic sight with my clothes drenched and my soggy ponytails plastered to my back. Out of self-pity I began to sniffle a little, and then I broke out into full-fledged sobs as I looked at the wadded-up failed biology test in my hand. I hate this day, I thought. All I want to do is pretend that this day never really happened. I want to pretend that there was no test, no rain - And on that thought, the rain stopped. Or to be more precise, it stopped falling on me. For a moment I stood there, dumbfounded, and then I looked up to see a shiny, black umbrella. Usagi, you baka, I told myself, umbrellas do NOT hold themselves up. I turned around slowly to come face to face with Chiba Mamoru. "Mamoru-san!" I squeaked, even as I was thinking, not him, anyone but him. His azure eyes seemed to be filled with concern as he asked, "Are you okay, Odango Atama?" I was tempted to scream, "Don't call me that!" but I thought better of it. "Arigato, Mamoru-san, I'm just fine." "You're all wet," he observed, touching the sleeve of my school uniform. "Thanks for stating the obvious," I muttered. After a while I noticed that he hadn't removed his hand from its resting spot on my uniform. A little spooked, I began to mumble some excuse about having to go to a friend's house. Mamoru gripped my elbow. "Odango Atama," he said, with just a hint of worry in his voice, "you're going to catch a cold. My apartment is three doors down from here. You can come up and wait out the storm." I would have said no, but I made the mistake of looking into his eyes again. Kami-sama, I thought. He had the most gorgeous sea-blue eyes I had ever seen in my whole life. Somehow I felt myself nodding and then, miraculously enough, one foot moved in front of the other until I was up in Chiba Mamoru's apartment. It was a nice apartment, I judged as I stood dripping in the doorway. Much cleaner than the doom pit I called my bedroom. Mamoru had already moved into the tiny kitchen area and was messing around with something. "Odango Atama," he called, not even looking up, "the bathroom is straight ahead of you. Go take a shower and I'll bring you some dry clothes." I felt my face burn with mortification. "NANI?!" He looked up impatiently, and then his lips spread into a devilish grin. "Go on, I promise I won't peek. You really will catch a cold if you don't get out of those cold, wet clothes though." I stood there, clenching my teeth for a moment, and then with muttered choice comments about psycho guys who call me "dumpling head," I stalked towards the bathroom. "What was that, Odango Atama?" I slammed the door in response. To be continued in part 2... Please email me! dulcinea42@yahoo.com