Something Special Part 5 by the Hoyden ( Rated PG-13 Author's Notes: I don't even need to ask for a show of hands as to who would like to kiss Mamoru. More AN's at the end! Mamoru's eyes glinted with a challenging look, but at the same time he looked needy, even desperate. "Oh Mamo-chan," I sighed and leaned my head against his chest. Closing my eyes, I luxuriated in feel of soft cotton against my cheek. "It's late and I need to go home," I mumbled into his shirt. "I promise I'll tell you everything tomorrow." Mamoru pulled away so that he could look me in the eye. "Be careful, Usako," he warned me urgently. He dragged his fingers through that incredible black hair and ducked his head a bit. " about you, and I don't want you to be in any trouble." Just call me a Hershey kiss on a warm summer day. My heart melted and I embraced him enthusiastically, knocking both into a semi-reclining position on his couch. "You care about me? ME? Your favorite Odango Atama?" I teased him, giggling merrily. "My only Odango Atama," he said solemnly, though a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. I squealed in frustration and started to tickle him, but he had the upper hand since he was apparently not that ticklish. Unfortunately, I am, and my dear Mamo-chan took extreme advantage of that. Within ten seconds I was howling and begging for mercy, to his amusement. He stopped for a minute. "What will you give me if I stop tickling you?" "Anything!" I gasped, struggling for air and feeling the pain in my side from laughing so hard. Mamo-chan's face neared my own, and he rubbed his nose against mine. "Would you give me a kiss?" Breathless, but not from being tickled, I whispered, "A kiss?" "They're very nice, you know," he whispered, his lips nearly, but not quite touching mine. "Especially yours. They seem to be the focus of all of my daydreams and have kept me," -here he kissed my chin- "up" -then the tip of my nose- "these past two nights, just thinking of you." I closed my eyes when those dreamt-of velvety lips touched my own once again with a soft, insistent passion. He wasn't hesitant, I decided somewhere along the way. Just gentle, as though he were afraid I might run away. I screwed up my determination; after all, I had seen plenty of movies and I KNEW kisses could be a lot more involved. Poor Mamo-chan, I thought. I always seem to be doing this to him. With that last thought, I hesitantly slipped my tongue between his lips. If he was shocked, he didn't let on; instead he pulled me even tighter against him and kissed me deeply. Some minutes later, wretched reality kicked back in. I pulled away from him regretfully. Mamoru sighed as well, and proceeded to walk me outside. Twirling some hair from one of my ponytails around his fingers, he held me close with his other hand securely wrapped around my lower back. "I'll see you tomorrow, ne?" he asked hopefully. "I have to meet with some friends after school," I warned him. His eyes glittered with something approaching mischief. "Fine. We'll go out to dinner and then you can tell me all about your wild nocturnal adventures." I started to protest that he didn't really need to take me out to dinner, but I was kissed into submission. "Ja ne, angel." My jaw hit the ground with an audible CLUNK as I stared after him. After school the next day, I met the girls at Rei's temple. Makoto was engrossed in a recipe for something called "Rice Krispie Treats." As far as I could discern, it involved a massive quantity of marshmallows. My stomach rumbled cheerfully, as if I needed any further persuasion. Behind Makoto's back, Ami and I joyfully pilfered marshmallows from one bag. Rei and Minako were chatting casually between stolen mouthfuls of yummy marshmallows, courtesy of myself and Ami. Somehow, Rei managed to bring up something I was a little unprepared to deal with. "Naru says you have a boyfriend, Usagi-chan!" Rei chortled. The others quickly turned to me with fascination. "Who is he?" "Where does he go to school?" "You can't just keep secrets like this, Usagi-chan?" "How far have you gone?" I blushed furiously at the barrage of curious questions. Finally, I took a deep breath and plunged ahead. "Well, we only met a couple of days ago...." After I had finished a somewhat edited story, the girls sighed in unison. "How romantic," Minako gushed. "I saw him at the arcade the first day when he was teasing you, Usagi-chan. He is SOOOOO good-looking. Why, he almost looks like Tuxedo Kamen!" The blood drained out of my face. It's possible for two different people to look similar, isn't it? But is it probable that they would kiss in the same way? --------- To be continued in part 6 Okay, I am really sorry that this is so short, but real life made an unwanted intrusion this week. Also, I apologize in advance because I won't be posting next week. Next week I will be in Costa Rica, touring rain forests, hot springs, the incredible Arenal Volcano, and catching some sun on the beaches. Hopefully I will be productive on the plane and write two parts to post when I return. In the meantime, go read Lilac Summers and Lord Chaos - it will be time well spent. You know, kinda like A&E. Ja ne! The Hoyden