Something Special Part 6 by the Hoyden ( Rated PG-13 Disclaimer: Sailor Moon does not belong to me. I will love you like none other, for I have died a thousand little deaths for you, and each time I have died, I have thought of you. -Michael Lisner, "Dawn" I leaned against a tree, still breathing heavily from our latest fight with an spear-chucking youma. Mercury was tapping away at her mini-computer, Mars was muttering angrily to herself, Jupiter was thoughtfully scouting the area, and Venus stood quietly off to the side, her perceptive eyes closed. Finally Mars let out a definitive sound of discontent. Though her eyes were flashing, nothing could disguise the tell-tale black shadows underneath them. "Okay, you guys," she announced. "We are all very tired, and we all have a test in biology tomorrow. For goodness's sake, let's just go home. There's nothing more we can do tonight." Mercury started to protest that she needed to examine the site, to see if she could discover the origin of the youma, but even the mighty Jupiter held up one limp gloved hand to silence her. "Tomorrow's another day," Jupiter gently reminded her. "You can't run very efficiently on no energy, and you know that better than any of us. Time to go home." Mercury acquiesced, albeit not very gracefully. They started to trudge off home before they realized that I wasn't with them. Venus pivoted and called, "Aren't you coming, Sailor Moon?" I shook my head slowly. "You guys go on without me." They looked at each other quizzically before shrugging and continuing on. I, meanwhile, set off in the direction in which I had last seen Tuxedo Kamen go. Walking quickly, I passed through neighborhoods before reaching a park. Unable to resist, I entered the rose-laced gate and strolled along the river. These past few weeks with Mamoru had been some of the happiest in my life, I thought. Though my calls to duty and his blackouts were unwanted interruptions, we managed to enjoy each other's company thoroughly. I always drove conversation away from his probing questions about what he described as my "fascinating nocturnal activities." I could admit to myself that I loved him, more than anything, in fact, but I wasn't ready to share this particular part of myself. Soon, I promised silently. Soon, I'll tell you everything, Mamo-chan. Then the alluring flutter of a red-lined cape caught my eye. Holding my breath, I saw Tuxedo Kamen in front of some beautiful rose bushes. The one he held in his hand was a brilliant vermillion, and as I watched incredulously, several more appeared out of thin air in his hands. Who is he? I wondered, my curiosity tearing viciously at me. I have to know! I crept silently towards him. He never looked up from his intense study of the roses, to my infinite relief. Right behind him now, I reached up... And tore away the domino mask. Tuxedo Kamen cried out in surprise, and lashed out at me. His gloved hand caught me across the face and I fell to the ground, cradling my suddenly-aching jaw. But nothing could stop my eyes, except the sight of Chiba Mamoru, in Tuxedo Kamen's regalia. "Mamo-chan?" I murmured in disbelief. His azure eyes bore into me, and I shivered at their coldness. Then suddenly, they rolled upwards and he collapsed upon the ground. Frozen by shock, I stayed where I was for a few moments, then hurriedly scrambled over to him. "Tuxedo Kamen!" I called. "Mamo-chan, please wake up!" Even as I lightly slapped his cheeks, trying to rouse him, I felt a terrible pressure in my head. Soon, it was too much and I slid into blessed unconsciousness, draped over the body of my beloved. *** "Endymion!" I called sweetly from the balcony. He turned to face me, and his beautiful azure eyes lovingly caressed my own. He started towards me with a beautiful red rose held delicately in his hand and his cape fluttered becomingly behind him. I joined him below and we ran laughing, like children, to the garden we loved the best. Seated peacefully among the roses, we kissed as the sun began its vanishing act. "Serenity," he said, hands cupping my face, "I love you!" *** Our eyes opened in the same instant, and we knew. We knew everything. "Usako!" he gasped, and detransformed. I did the same, not moving from my position on top of him. "You're Tuxedo Kamen!" I said accusingly. "Believe me, I didn't know it until just now! That was why I was having blackouts, Usako - I was going to protect you. And while we're at it, you're Sailor Moon! Why didn't you tell me, Usako?" he asked, more than a little hurt visible in his eyes. I groaned and sank my face into his shoulder. "Because maybe you wouldn't want a superheroine for a girlfriend?" I tried. He sighed and hugged me tightly. "I love you Usako, which means I also love Sailor Moon. And," he tapped my forehead, "Serenity, too." My forehead felt very warm once again, but this time I knew what it was. It was a crescent moon, the mark of the royal house of the Moon. A keepsake of my past, if you will. All the memories, only let out in my dreams before, were peacefully open in my mind now. Including those of the soul I loved the best. "Endymion," I whispered. He swiftly rolled me over so that he was on top, and his lips claimed my own. A thousand years fell away and we were as we had been at the lunar rose garden. He rained kisses on me and his deft hands explored my body. Holding each other tightly, we whispered over and over again to each other, "I love you." Eventually we broke apart, our chests heaving as we tried to catch our breath. "Mamo-chan?" I ventured. "Would you like to come to the Spring Dance with me?" His eyes widened in surprise and a trembling hand touched my cheek. "Go to the dance with you? Of course I will. My god, Usako, I want to spend the rest of this life with you. And the next one, and the next." "You know, you really are-" I started. "It sound cliche, but you're-" he said at the same time. We finished together, "Something special." Gazing into each other's eyes, no more words were needed. And indeed, no more were used that night. ------------------------------------------ My goodness, it's done and I'm already itching to start my next. Feedback, my darlings! How did you like it? Email me at Special thanks to my delightful new friends, Miss J, Twilight, Lady Lorelei (a.k.a Nicole Cherre) and to the rest of the incredible fanfic authors who inspired me with their great stories to attempt one of my own. Also, a respectful bow to the Yarnspinner and to Alicia Blade, whose stories I have avidly read and who were both kind enough to send me input. Love you all! The Hoyden