TITLE: Tell Me You Love Me BY: Nana Part One RATED: PG E-Mail Address: Nako@smapxsmap.net Hi! THIS IS MY FIRST TRY AT WRITING A FANFIC SO PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME IF ITS GOOD OR NOT. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SAILORMOON CHARACTERS SO PLEASE DON'T SUE ME : ) I'm very poor : p Darien Shields a 26 year old CEO of Shield Enterprise walked into his office and picked up the daily newspaper on the front page there was a picture of Brian (the CEO of his rival company) with his arm around a beautiful blonde, the article read: Brian Williams one of the most elegant and richest men here in Tokyo next to Darien Shields has announced that he has fired his secretary of 7 months so they can officially date, due to the fact that the company rules would not permit co-workers to date. Williams has not said when they have started dating Miss. Moone, Williams has said that he would like to be serious with Miss Moone. Will Miss Moone be the one to get Williams to settle down? Darien sighed this Miss Moone is probably like the others Brian dates rich and snobby..... KNOCK KNOCK.... Martha, Dariens secretary comes in "Mr. Shields, now that I am 5 months into my pregnancy, my husband doesn't want me working anymore so I would like to quit" "how soon?" "in about two weeks" Re: "okay then before you leave I would like you to put write an ad for your job" "yes sir" "and make sure you add what it would require of the person" "yes sir" walking out the office Martha thought "Mr.Shields when are you going to settle down? I am only 4 years older than you and I have 2 children and one on its way" thinking of Darien's grandfather who is the only family to Darien. *this is the same time that Darien walks into his office* Making coffee Serena picks up the newspaper and sees Brian and her picture on it thinking [I hope your plan works Brian] **flashback** A week before Serena is sitting at her desk typing a report when Brian (her boss) comes to her and says, "Serena I have a favor to ask of you" "hmmmm... no" she teased, in the few months that she has worked for Brian they had come good friends. "please its important" Serena seeing the serious look in his eyes says "What is it?" "I need you to pose as my girlfriend" "What?!?! ha ha very funny Brian" "I'm not kidding" "w...why?" Serena says "because I need to make Julie give up, and once she thinks I'm serious with you I'm thinking she will" "Why would you want Julie to give up on you?" "because I'm in love with someone else" "yeah right Brian, you'd never fall in love" she says Brian gets a faraway look in his eyes then whipsers "but I did" "so who is the lucky girl?" Serena asks "She's my highschool crush" Serena amused says "what if shes married?" "I had lunch with her yesterday she wasn't wearing a ring" Serena thinking that this highschool crush of Brians might get him to settle down says "okay sure" "thank you so much Serena!!" "but if your h.s. crush think that you really are serious with me, won't that be a problem with you two getting together?" "well see after a while I could tell her we were only pretending but if I don't get Julie out of the way I can't really tell Ashley that" "oh okay" "okay your fired Serena" "WHAT?!?!" "well if we're gonna be dating or pretending to at least you can't work here company rules say that you can't date co-workers' "well thanks" "Don't worry I'll make sure you get a good job next" **flashback** ring ring "hello" "hi Serena its Brian, I found the perfect job for you" Please e-mail me any comments my addy is Nako@smapxsmap.net thanxs!! -- Get your free email from http://www.smapxsmap.net powered by OutBlaze