TITLE: Tell Me You Love Me BY: Nana Part Three RATED: PG E-Mail Address: Nako@kinki-kids.i-p.com Hi! THIS IS MY FIRST TRY AT WRITING A FANFIC SO PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME IF ITS GOOD OR NOT. I WANT TO THANK ALL OF YOU WHOSE WRITTEN ME AN E-MAIL!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! THIS IS FOR YOU GUYS ^_^ I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE SAILORMOON CHARACTERS SO PLEASE DON'T SUE ME : ) I'm very poor : p "Sir I've arranged for my replacement to come tomorrow to check things out" Martha said "okay" Darien replied Martha was heading towards the door when Darien said "can I see her applicarion?" "yes sire let me get them" leaving for a minute she came back with the papers "here they are, I'm going to go pack up now" Martha said "thank you" Darien said not looking up from the application Age:23 Name:Serena Moone..... hmm.. where have I heard that name before? thought Darien to himself Ring... ring... ring... "Hello" "Hi is this Miss Serena Moone? I'm Martha, Darien Shileds personal secretary, I'm calling to tell you that you will begin tomorrow at 8 a.m" "oh okay" Serena said "I'll meet you at the front desk so I can show you around the building" "okay, thank you, bye" she hung up before Martha could say goodbye...oh my gosh I got the job Brian was right!!!!! oh no what am I going to wear?? I have to give a good impression on my first day.... thinking for a moment Serena thought I call the girls to see if they'll want to come with me *5 o'clock* Serena, Mina, Lita, Ami, and Rei were eating in the mall after finishing shopping for the clothes, "so let me get this right Sere you're going our with Brian Williams your former boss and now you're going to be working for Darien Shields?! they are the hottest guys in Tokyo... well next to KimuTaku" (Kimura Takyua he's one of the most famous guys in Japan... and might I add really hot!!) Mina said to Serena "Yeah, but like I said Brian and I aren't really going out" "but still, you are sooo lucky!!" "So how did you get the job at Shield Enterprise??" Rei asked "well Brian promised me a good job and this is how it turned out" Serena replied *the next day* Walking into Shield Enterprise, Serena sees a woman few years older coming her way... "you must be Miss Moone I'm Martha, the one that called you yesterday now if you'll follow me" Martha said going into the elevator Martha said, "I loved working here for Mr.Shields even though he can be cold on the outside he can be really nice" Serena had heard all the rumors about Darien Shield before stating he was cold and arrogant, but then thats what they said about Brian, but Brian wasn't cold at all... "Well we're hear" Martha said interupting her thoughts getting out of the elevator Serena was amazed on how elegant the placed looked with Marble floors and walls... 'I wonder what he's house looks like" Serena thought once again interupting her thoughts Martha knocked on the only door that was in the halls "come in" said the person that was in there guessing it was Darien Serena straightened her outfit...... Darien looked up to see Serena and Martha standing in front of his desk, absentmindly thinking 'nice legs' while looking at Serena's navy blue suit with the skirt about 4 inchs above her knees, Serena noticing him eyeing her skirt she blushed thinking 'maybe I shouldn't of listended to Minako about this.... suit..." What will happen now?? please e-mail me about any comments or suggestions, and if you want to see for yourself what Kimura Takuya tell me and I'll send you one of his postys!! : p my addy is Nako@smapxsmap.net -- Get your free email from http://www.smapxsmap.net